Thursday, March 13, 2014

The MarketGlory Guide to start

Beginner's Guide
Before you can start playing you will need to register an account.Keep in mind that you should chose your real country of residence, as you will automatically be assigned to that country's community within the game.
 Also, for withdrawal purposes your details should be correct. To register Click here.

Please note that even though you can deposit as soon as you start playing, I would  advise you to familiarize yourself with the game. Personally I prefer the challenge of building a bankroll, it takes longer but you get a bigger sense of accomplishment when things go well, and if they go wrong you won't lose your own money.

When you login for the first time you will see your Home section, here you can check which bonuses you can win based on your activities. You probably noticed all the menus and options available, however, as a new player who doesn't yet have any money to invest, you should focus on just a few of them.

The first thing you should look into is your resources, which are displayed on the top right hand side of the page and are Energy, Euro, Gold, Local Currency.

The most important resource to start of with is Energy, basically it is used in all your other activities and without it you would not be able to do anything. The last three all work as currency and can be exchanged for one another, you can think of Euro as the global currency, Gold as the standard currency and the Local Currency as the currency used in your country. Because the game works at both local and global levels, just like in real life, having a global currency allows for easy international trade with other players.


The first thing you should do in order to start making some money is Work, this is the fourth option on the menu to the left. When you click this section, you will be presented with the following formula:


Basically, it reflects a cycle, in order to work you need energy, each time you work you get experience, knowledge you can increase by buying books, the higher these three attributes are, the higher your productivity will be. As a consequence, the more productive you are the more money you make, but for now we won't pay much attention to this.

What you need to do now is have a look at the employment options displayed below this formula, chose your employer and click the Work button to the right of the employer description and start working. Just as in real life, your employer will be a fellow player who owns a company and needs workers to manufacture his products.
You will be allowed to work once everyday, and are awarded a work bonus whenever you play for 3 days in a row. By working once every day your productivity will increase and you will make a bit more money.
The same attributes that grow as you work, will decrease if you don't, which means that if you only log in once or twice a week it will take you longer to make money. The upside to it is that all you need to do for now to ensure this doesn't happen is login and click the Work button every 24 hours.


This is the third option on the menu to the left, and it is, alongside work, a good way for starters to make some money. When you click this option you will be presented with a list of opponents (if no opponents are available you can fight a trainer). You are allowed to fight 10 times per day, and each time you win you will earn some money. If you fought against a trainer you will only get that money, however, fighting real opponents is a bit different.

If you fight a real opponent and win he will become your referral, if you lose, you will become his referral. You can check Referrals under the section of the same name on the left hand side menu. The referral has to pay 10% tax on it's earnings to it's owner. When someone becomes your referral they will be blocked for 24 hours, after that they will become free and are able to fight again.

You have the option to pay a fee and keep a particular referral blocked, as long as you keep a referral blocked, that person will keep paying taxes to you and remain your property. You can also sell your referrals for gold, but before doing it you should first take your time to get familiar with the prices.

Join kaissoun's empire

Start off with these two activities, and don't expect much profit for the first few weeks. Spend some time exploring the other options, and eventually you will have enough money to start a company and get more involved in the market and all the financial aspects of the game.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Most Amazing Videos on Youtube

Video 1: Man walking on water

Do you have an explanation ?

Make money with URL shortenning

Make easy and fast tiny  money , sharing the shorten URL using this:

Monday, March 3, 2014

Make Money with CashFiesta

Start Here
Free money making opportunity

Cashfiesta offers a product that allows its members to surf the Web or use any other application on their computer and to accumulate earnings in the process. 

Free money making opportunity

Make money with Linkbucks

Linkbucks is a PTP site (that means "Paid To Post", in this case the things we post are links, pictures,...) where you earn money when someone click a link that you made with linkbucks... The multiple options when converting links, the different ad types, the different alias URL's and the rates (2-3 times higher than any program of this kind) make linkbucks the best program of this kind to make money online fast and easy... On this little guide I will teach you how to start from the very beggining, and when you are used to it, you can learn more methods that will earn you even more cash. But let's start with the basics:

1: Click here to register on linkbucks if you are not already registered (Just fill the form, and ensure your Paypal e-mail adress is written corectly)

2: Log in on linkbucks, putting your username and password on the boxes at the top-left corner... You will see something like this: Screenshot #1... Let's explain all the things on that screenshot:

--1: The "Blog" Tab: Here you will see the most important announcements and changes linkbucks has made (Payment processors, payment delays and any other kind of info). This will appear the first when you go to
--2: The "Manage Links" Tab: Here you will see all the links you have created with the "Create links" Tab, as well as the number of visits they have received or the grup they belong, the ad type, etc...
--3: The "Create links" Tab: The most important tab on the site; This is where you convert your normal links into paying ones. We will see more about this tab later on this same tutorial.
--4: The "Earnings" Tab: This is where you request payment when you have reached at least 5$, also you can see your detailed earnings or clicks you receive on each day, as well as other payment requests.
--5: The "Referrals" Tab: Here you will see your 1st, 2nd and 3rd tier referrals, as well as the money they earn you and you referral code to get them.
--6: The "Get Help" Tab: This is where you get info about linkbucks... But this tutorial and this FAQ is far better ^^

--A: The "Today's earnings" Box: This will display your current earnings for the day (This includes your referral earnings as well)
--B: The "Yesterday's Earnings" Box: This will display the money you earned yesterday (Referral earnings also included)
--C: The "Earnings this month" Box: here you will see the money you earned from the beginning of this month to the actual date (Even if you cashout, this number will not decrease)
--D: The "Unpaid Balance" Box: This shows the earnings on your linkbucks account that have not been sent to Paypal yet (Even if you requested payment)
--E: The "Performance Score" Box: This will display your performance score. Performance score reflects where your traffic is coming from, and the higher, the better.

--F: The "Update Account" Tab: On this tab you can change your profile, Paypal account, e-mail, password,...
--G: The "Forums" Tab: This will send you to this GREAT forum, where you can find info and ask questions.
--H: The "logout" Tab: This will log you out from linkbucks (Close your session) so no one can enter your account if you are at a shared computer.